Monarch Immersion: rewilding
Imagine traveling through forest and field to learn about a new plant. Time is taken to honor, smell, feel, and deeply connect; then gathering it's leaves to create a basket that will be taken home to use with family and friends. Later sitting in a small circle of women around a fire, sipping wild foraged tea and eating dinner- sharing stories, laughing, and listening together to the owls as they awaken the forest.
Imagine traveling through forest and field to learn about a new plant. Time is taken to honor, smell, feel, and deeply connect; then gathering it's leaves to create a basket that will be taken home to use with family and friends. Later sitting in a small circle of women around a fire, sipping wild foraged tea and eating dinner- sharing stories, laughing, and listening together to the owls as they awaken the forest.
Is this something for you?
Do you want to feel fully alive and awake to how beautiful the world is more of the time?
Do you need regularly scheduled time to get away and care for yourself?
Do you like to craft and make useful things with your hands?
Do you want to learn more about nature in an inclusive group of badass women?
Are you hungry for deeper connection to your creativity, inspiration, and passion?
The Woven Basket
This class is a container that holds a deep connection to a lineage of grandmothers who lived before us and by the earth's rhythms. Within its walls is a learning environment that is intimate, brave, and fun. This gives an opportunity to have conversation and learning that is ongoing, cumulative, and builds over time. This class is immersive, so we get our hands dirty, use knives, tend the fire as we tend our fire. It is a chance to slow down, engage all our senses, and breathe our wild selves into being again.
Do you want to feel fully alive and awake to how beautiful the world is more of the time?
Do you need regularly scheduled time to get away and care for yourself?
Do you like to craft and make useful things with your hands?
Do you want to learn more about nature in an inclusive group of badass women?
Are you hungry for deeper connection to your creativity, inspiration, and passion?
The Woven Basket
This class is a container that holds a deep connection to a lineage of grandmothers who lived before us and by the earth's rhythms. Within its walls is a learning environment that is intimate, brave, and fun. This gives an opportunity to have conversation and learning that is ongoing, cumulative, and builds over time. This class is immersive, so we get our hands dirty, use knives, tend the fire as we tend our fire. It is a chance to slow down, engage all our senses, and breathe our wild selves into being again.
What does a typical class look like?
-arrive at 10am -opening circle, game, and story of the weekend -head to the forest where we set up camp and gather firewood for later fires -walk to another area to gather materials for projects or activities -ex, clay from a creek for making pottery -come back to camp to prep food for our meals, cook dinner in our homemade camp kitchen over real flames -after dinner we finish projects, like firing our pottery in a homemade primitive kiln -a night around the fire we settle into deeper introspective stories, myths and reflective questions, singing ancient songs, night walks under the stars. -before bed we put out a welcome mat, opening the door to our dreams with creative imagery and story, and close our circle for those needing to leave for the night. - if overnighting, morning might include dream circles to help understand our dreams, singing, gratitude, or movement. -after a wilderness breakfast, we pack up camp, close out with the overnighters, and look forward to connecting again next time! |
Our 8 Shields curriculum will include this and more:
wild edibles and wild medicinal plants wilderness crafts (pottery, baskets, rope, shelter, etc) fire skills -bowdrill, and more! coyote mentoring nature practices for health peacemaking practices indigenous dreamwork animal tracking Naturalist Knowledge indigenous caretaking and earth stewardship Core Routines of Nature Connection |
Class size is limited.
Registration is required!
All classes taught by Monique Philpot with guest instructors (see instructor bio page)
Email if you are curious and still have some questions about the program: [email protected]
If you KNOW you want to join us, scroll down to see more details and the registration process.
Registration is required!
All classes taught by Monique Philpot with guest instructors (see instructor bio page)
Email if you are curious and still have some questions about the program: [email protected]
If you KNOW you want to join us, scroll down to see more details and the registration process.
Women's Monarch Immersion
9 month class series
Each class runs from Saturday 10am-10pm -optional overnight to Sunday! (there is an indoor sleeping option for inclement weather if desired)
Dates/Times TBA! |
Cost for the full 9 month program: $900-$1500 sliding scale
*Because this is an ongoing class that builds knowledge over time, we cannot have people join midway, or attend only a few of the weekends. When you register, you are committing to the full 10 month program! A note on our Sliding Scale Fees: We offer the sliding scale as a means of allowing you to self-scholarship, as needed. We leave it entirely up to you to select your point on the scale, and ask you to recognize that the true cost of running the program is approximately in the middle. We count on your integrity in selecting your rate: when you choose a higher amount, you are making it possible for someone of lesser means to pay a lower tuition. In this way, we are working together to help keep the program affordable. *work/trade options also available ***have to miss one of the weekends? We understand that naturally things come up -weddings, births, family vacation,etc. Let us know if you need to miss a weekend, we can work something out. |