*We refer to “women” or "girls" in as many ways as they want to define themselves. Individuals who identify as trans, gender-neutral, or non-binary are welcome to attend!
"We are being called to a greater sense of meaning and purpose in our lives and such essential changes must come from a deeper level of understanding. The ancient sense of a rite of passage offers a “theory of transformation” and psychological perspectives that can help us find ways to navigate and orient our lives in the midst of radical uncertainty and rapid change." -Michael Meade
Wilderness QUESTS
Throughout time, Quests have been a main form of Rite of Passage and have functioned as an essential tool of resilience for individual renewal and cultural cohesion. It provides structure for transitioning from one life phase to the next. It provides a place for us to ask deep questions, and receive profound answers. It is sitting with the mystery of the world. With guided, healthy, Rites of Passage and Quests we can move consciously and confidently through the rest of our life. For many, it is something we return to at least once a year, for others less. Embarking on a Quest is a deeply connective and transformational experience.
A Wilderness Quest is a choice -often the person feels a pull on their heart or a yearning of the soul to do something courageous, to go to a place of deep solitude and mystery, to ask big questions, or cry for a vision or next step. It is for young adults to elders.
This year we are offering Quests on November 13th, 6pm-November 17th, 10am If you are feeling you would like to experience a Quest or ROP, fill out the application letter below. If you would like to be a part of a community of women supporting youth and women doing a Quest or ROP, also fill out the application below, and let us know! |
At Soulcraft Bloomington Quests have the three main characteristic phases:
Separation: disruption of daily routine and detachment from familiar surroundings
Crossing the Threshold: entering the wilderness for a time of intentional seeking, internal rearranging, and uncertainty.
Integration: return to the community with greater understanding and unity of self. Time for processing and celebration.
Separation: disruption of daily routine and detachment from familiar surroundings
Crossing the Threshold: entering the wilderness for a time of intentional seeking, internal rearranging, and uncertainty.
Integration: return to the community with greater understanding and unity of self. Time for processing and celebration.
A quest looks different for each person. Some people like to sit with a fire all night, some just in nature. Each person brings different things with them. All of these things can be discussed and tailored to your needs. Typically 24 hours of solitude is minimum.
Thursday we will have activities for for introspection and getting clear on why we are questing, and what it will look like, along with choosing our questing spot and preparing it and ourselves. Friday through Saturday is questing time, and Saturday evening we will have time for debriefing and processing, along with a gratitude ceremony and a good night's sleep. Sunday we will discuss transitioning, and how to carry the potency of the quest with us as we leave, and have a closing ceremony. It is very important to have a full circle and to participate in the beginning and closing to tie the ends together fully. Meals will be prepared for everyone during the camp, beginning with dinner on Wednesday and ending with breakfast on Sunday. Each person will be camping and need to bring their own gear. More details will be sent to you when you register. This is a guided experience with preparation time, questing time, reentry/integration time, and a closing time. It is important to complete the circle, from beginning to end! Date: November 13, 2024 6pm to November 17th, 2024 10am. Cost: $400-$800 sliding scale Where: Bloomington and Brown county, IN, private property |
"Your sacred space is where you can find yourself, over and over again."